Interviewing the interviewer

It must definitely have occured to you (after you took a job somewhere) to have regretted not having done some more due diligence on the company you were about to go to. Recently, I had some discussion with friends and colleagues who asked my opinion on how you could actually understand if the employer is... Continue Reading →

White-boxes for everyone: my point of view.

This post is in reply of Gianpaolo's post "White Boxes for Everyone?" appeared on his blog last November and recently shared by Ivan Pepelnjak. First, let me state that I don't disagree with him nor with Ivan, but I also believe the matter is worth some more in-depth analysis. His thesis is that the whole... Continue Reading →

Innovation and culture of failure

Hi all, here I am again talking anything but networking. Sorry but I can't help it, these things really get me excited. I've been reading two AMAZING books that I wholeheartedly recommend you all to read: Black Box Thinking: The Surprising Truth About Success - Matthew Syed The Innovator's DNA: Mastering the Five Skills of... Continue Reading →

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